Seven years ago I played the role of Rosali in the play Real Women Have Curves at The University of Georgia, which changed my view of theatre forever. The play was written by Chicana playwright Josefina Lopez in 1995. Dealing with issues of immigration, domestic violence, body image, and feminism, the play resonates with audiences today.

Recently, I had the opportunity to interview the director and cast members from Teatro del Sol’s upcoming production, which opens this weekend. It reminded me of the lifelong friends I made during my college production, and the ways in which the play resonates with and deeply touches the actresses who play five curvy Latinas in a sweatshop in East LA.I was recently maid of honor in our “Estela’s” wedding, and regularly have lunch dates with our “Ana.”
Check out my preview of the show, which is a part of Aurora Theatre’s Spanish language theatre initiative in Lawrenceville, Georgia: