Everyone is mad that Miss America is Indian American

Everyone can get over it.Nina Davuluri aka Miss New York is the new Miss America. She was born and raised in the USA, which makes her American with Indian descent. This whole controversy just goes to show that when people think American they think white, and that anyone who is not white is considered "other," and therefore not American. We…

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I’m watching Season 1 of “The Newsroom…”

...and I am incredibly underwhelmed by the way the women characters have been written. In such a typically WASP-y way, all of the men are intelligent and reasonable, and all of the women can't use their brains on account of being too emotional. All of the women on this show are educated and in positions of power at the network…

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Are we really having dialog about the cultural appropriation of twerking?

I wish the media would cover the changes to the Voting Rights Act and affirmative action the way they covered Miley Cyrus' VMA performance. http://www.buzzfeed.com/daves4/things-miley-cyrus-looked-like-at-the-vmas http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/26/2013-mtv-vmas-was-black-except-the-winners_n_3819632.html?ncid=edlinkusaolp00000009 http://www.vice.com/read/miley-cyrus-needs-to-take-an-african-american-studies-class http://www.buzzfeed.com/jenlewis/miley-cyrus-twerks-on-famous-paintings What a waste of real estate in cyber space.  I wrote this in response to a friend posting the third article in this list on my timeline: "I see where he's coming from…

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“Protest Silence. Protest Absence.”

Theatre Communications Group, which is the national governing organization for professional theaters, is hosting a salon series on its TCG Circle Blog called ‪#‎Trayvon‬. The series aims to see if, or how, we as theater artists and administrators can curb the hatred (on all sides) that has come as a result of the not guilty verdict in the George Zimmerman…

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