Where are the people of color in children’s books?

Ever since I was little I have always wanted to write two children's book series-- one about squirrels and the other about goldfish. Do not ask me why. My imagination is just that: mine. I still intend to write these two books, but this recent article in the New York Times about diversity in children's books really made me stop…

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Black History Month

Since February 1 I have been trying to figure out ways to celebrate Black History Month. Without the context of a school setting and coordinating some obligatory program I have struggled to figure out how to do something during Black History Month other than be black. I think there's this feeling obligation tied in with this wanting a reason to…

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Things to do right now

Find an organization that I am passionate about to volunteer for Write a poem each day Exercise Eat a fruit and a vegetable each day Make time, at least 20 minutes each day, to listen to God Repeat this: "I am optimistic. I am blessed. I have no expectations. I trust God." Fall in love with a person and not…

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Call Me For The Answer!!!

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Oprah recently did a Lifeclass with Greg Behrendt and his wife Amiira Ruotola about dating myths. Behrendt is the author of the book He's Just Not That Into You, and they have just co-authored a book called It's Just A F***ing Date. Their no nonsense approach to dating is designed to put women in control and help them to stop…

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“Bums in the attic” from The House on Mango Street

I read The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros for the first time when I was 15 years old. During my sophomore year of high school my English teacher gave us the assignment to choose a book and write a paper about a social issue raised in it. Me, being over ambitious, decided to read The House on Mango…

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