Rape is always unexpected

This week, we have been barraged by news of sexual assault and rape. Harvey Weinstein has been accused by several Hollywood actresses of inappropriate contact. Audio was released by The New Yorker of a very uncomfortable confrontation between the media mogul and an undercover investigator. Rapper Nelly was also accused by a young woman of rape. The charges were dropped,…

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12 Quotes to inspire hope

In light of the recent alt-right rally and terrorist attack in Charlottesville, Virginia, I think it's clearer than ever than the world needs more love. I'm uninterested in writing a think piece that analyzes the motivations of people who see other people as beneath them. There enough people doing that. I am uninterested in condemning the president for what he…

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Fake News and the art of doubt

I'll start this the way that most of these types of posts start. I normally don't write about politics, mostly because I don't want to add to the noise and I'd rather spread joy. But, also because having an outward political opinion and keeping a job usually don't go hand-in-hand, and today happens to Amazon Prime Day, so...yeah...(I needed those…

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A Tale of Two Conferences

I have been away from home more than I have been at home so far this month (I am not complaining), because I have attended two different journalism conferences. Both gave me different views on issues facing our field and our nation, and I have recapped my experiences below. EDUCATION WRITERS ASSOCIATION NATIONAL SEMINAR The first conference I attended was…

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Recapture your dynamism

I recently finished listening to the book Abundance Now by Lisa Nichols on Audible and I thought I'd share some of my favorite quotes from the book below. The universe does not recognize someday on the calendar. Don't engage in wishful thinking. Set believable goals for the state you are in. Treat your present career as an investor in your future.…

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I recently interviewed bestselling author Elizabeth Gilbert

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I interviewed Elizabeth Gilbert, the New York Times bestselling author of Eat Pray Love,  about her latest book Big Magic ahead of her talk in Atlanta later this month. Elizabeth was incredibly generous in her interview and is a quote a minute. Not everything could make it into my 875-word article in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, so I included some of…

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