“American Sabor” shows how Latin rhythms shaped U.S. sound, at Atlanta History Center

Check out my latest review for ArtsATL.com! "the exhibition makes the point that 20th-century Latin music in the United States was inherently political. A display of album cover art and videos throughout the show help tell that story. Unfortunately, the text doesn’t always do its part. Although a discussion of Cesar Chavez’s protests with the United Farm Workers of America…

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The privilege of fear

“Yeah,” he continued anxiously. “I’m okay. I guess. … Do you think they saw which dorm I went back to? Maybe I shouldn’t have told my roommate. Should I stay in my dorm and not go to the library tonight?” This article was published weeks ago, and I have been meaning to share it. "I taught my black kids that…

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The moments after Darren Wilson was not indicted

On Monday, November 24, right before Thanksgiving, news outlets announced that former Ferguson, Missouri police office Darren Wilson would not be indicted by a grand jury in the killing of 18-year-old Michael Brown. No one was shocked by this news, but many were outraged. What is diversity and who does it matter to? As I scroll through my Facebook timeline,…

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Review: MODA’s “Inspiring Beauty” makes a political and aesthetic fashion statement

"Eunice Johnson came from a well-to-do family, and part of her goal with the Ebony Fashion Fair was to show that not all black people were destitute. One of her challenges was to convince European design houses that there were black people with enough wealth to purchase high fashion garments and that those designers would not lose clients by putting…

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I’m a black ARTS journalist. I’m not a myth.

"I'm tired of jockeying for position in a profession that never hesitates to finger "racists" in public, but can't see the very real racism in its own newsrooms." As I was scrolling through my Facbook news feed I noticed one of my friends posted a link to an article whose headline pierced me like the tusks of an ox: "I'm…

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