Food for thought
"Words are things. You can put a few words together and make people want to go to war. Put a different set of words together and make them long for peace." --Maya Angelou
"Words are things. You can put a few words together and make people want to go to war. Put a different set of words together and make them long for peace." --Maya Angelou
"Work hard, rest deeply, and let go of striving for perfection; the world desperately needs you to be something better than perfect....we need you to be you." --Paul & the Ripples Project Also everyone who is alive should watch this. "When you know better, you do better." --Dr. Maya Angelou
"The problem with all this job-creation is the new jobs are all worse than our previous jobs, which, to be honest weren’t all that rad in the first place. Some jobs, they don’t even pay money, which is still a thing you need some of to live." Read the full article.
A continuation from yesterday's topic on the changing landscape of journalism... Gisele Regatao reports on Why Art Critics Matter
This question has haunted me ever since my grad school advisor asked me this when I was contemplating taking an internship in New York City. My answer at the time: None. I don't have a capacity for risk. And I was content not to have one. Or perhaps it wasn't contentment, it was just the norm. I was used to…
A principal at an experimental K-8 arts school in Roxbury, Massachusetts fired security guards and hired art teachers. As a result, students' test scores are rising, attendance has improved, there has been a decrease in violence, and teachers are more motivated to teach. As the product of in-depth arts education and huge advocate of it, I say kudos to the…