I read Mary Trump’s book so you wouldn’t have to. You’re welcome.

For several weeks we've been hearing about Mary Trump. She is President Donald Trump's niece, and her new book, "Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the Most Dangerous Man in the World," has been described as a scathing takedown of the president. I listened to it on Audible, because I love tea, both literally and figuratively. As…

Continue ReadingI read Mary Trump’s book so you wouldn’t have to. You’re welcome.
Read more about the article Kelundra Recommends 07.17.2020
I conduct a series of artist studio visits for Atlanta Magazine's HOME. For the spring issue, pre-COVID-19, I visited Niki Zarrabi. The painting above is called "SHAB," from her 2019 Femme Petale series.

Kelundra Recommends 07.17.2020

A few years ago, I read a book called Calling in the One, and in it there was a challenge to write five pages of things you're grateful for. Five pages feels daunting, but it's not about the pages, it's about the energy generated by the pages. Spoiler Alert: By the time you get to page five, you've gone from…

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Read more about the article Kelundra Recommends 07.10.2020
I took this photo last week on a glamping trip in Hot Springs, North Carolina. The views from the French Broad River are absolutely majestic.

Kelundra Recommends 07.10.2020

"You can kill a man, but not an idea." These words, often attributed to civil rights leader Medgar Edgars, have been hanging out in my mind for the last couple of weeks. They are so widely applicable, because ideas take a long time to form and an even longer time to change. There's nothing like sitting in the house for…

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Read more about the article Kelundra Recommends 07.03.2020
“We Carry the Dreams” is a mural by Yehimi Cambron. It depicts five portraits of DACA "Dreamers,” with the stripes of American flag in the background. It is located near Capitol Avenue in Atlanta.

Kelundra Recommends 07.03.2020

Independence Day has always been one of my favorite holidays. With all of the unrest in our country, and abroad, it's safe to say that this 4th of July feels different. In the absence of parades due to social distancing, and fireworks now feeling more like bombs over Baghdad, it's hard to figure out how to celebrate Americana. The best…

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Read more about the article Kelundra Recommends 06.12.2020
"You’re in the Middle of the World" by Lauren Ralphi Burgess. This image is featured on poet Jericho Brown's book "The Tradition."

Kelundra Recommends 06.12.2020

This week has been a slight exhale and after the huge insuck of the last two weeks. With so many people in the streets and on social media expressing their grievances with the direction of our democracy, it's easy to get swept away with the tide. I'm reminded of  stories I've read about the Freedom Summer of the 1960s where…

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